First, we have to know the meaning of these terms.

Wildlife sanctuary
Wildlife sanctuary is a place of refugee where abandoned injured harassed captive wildlife without any kind of disturbance live there with peace for the remainder of their lives. Wildlife sanctuary takes the animal with them and provides an environment so that they live peacefully.
National park
The national park is the set aside by the government for the protection of the animal and natural habitat.The main aim of the national park is to save the endangered species and promote the social-cultural heritage of the area or region. Jim Corbett National park was formed in order to protect the royal Bengal tiger. Kaziranga was formed to protect the great one-horned rhinoceros. Gir forest National park was formed in order to protect the Asiatic lion. So every national park has a particular goal to protect the endangered species.
Biosphere reserves
Biosphere reserves are nominated by the national government in order to promote sustainable development. Sustainable development means the development that took place by the present generation for future generations. how we can use them resourcefully in a limited way. This is the initiative of the UNESCO Man and biosphere reserve (MAB) Programme to promote sustainable development. This programme was started by UNESCO in the year 1971. The first biosphere reserve in the world was established in the year 1979. Currently, there is a 600 biosphere reserve in 120 countries. The biosphere includes two or more National park or wildlife sanctuary.
Difference Between Wildlife sanctuary, National park and Biosphere Reserves
In Wildlife Sanctuary there is no official permission required that means there are fewer restrictions. While in National park official permission is required. The biosphere reserve is moderately restricted.
The wildlife sanctuary is maintained by the private body while the national park is set up the government and biosphere reserves is an initiative of UNESCO Man and Biosphere programme to promote sustainable development.
In Wildlife sanctuary there is less restriction. While in National park is heavily restricted and there are requirements of official permission. Official permission is required because no human activities should not affect animals. In biosphere reserves some areas have restrictions, some area may not have restrictions.
Wildlife sanctuaries are established to protect the insect bird animal who has faced harassment by the human being. The national park aims to promote flora fauna and natural habitat. The biosphere is divided into three zones
1. Core zone - no human activities are allowed.
2. Buffer zone- moderately activities are allowed.
3. Manipulation zone- activities are allowed with restrictions.
Biosphere aims to promote sustainable development and protect the Biosphere of the specified area.